In Baldur's Gate 3, you have the power to weave your own Shadowheart ending through the choices you make. Shadowheart is a half-elf cleric companion who arguably has one of the deepest and most complex storylines among all characters. She is a devout worshipper of Shar, the goddess of Darkness and Night. In the campaign, much of her story revolves around this plot.
Shadowheart's conclusion in Baldur's Gate 3 is heavily influenced by the decision you make in Find the Nightsong quest in Act 2. In this quest, she is tasked to kill the Nightsong to swear her loyalty to Shar and embrace her Sharran beliefs. Of course, you can choose to take the other path and reconnect with your Selunite past. Whatever your decision is, it will surely have a massive impact on your Shadowheart ending.
All Shadowheart endings in Baldur's Gate 3
Shadowheart spares the Nightsong
In Baldur's Gate 3, sparing the Nightsong in Shadowfell will leave Shadowheart completely confused after realizing she has betrayed her master. After she tosses her spear away, she is confronted by the Nightsong to offer her assistance in killing Ketheric Thorm. The Nightsong immediately transforms, and you are rewarded with the Moonlight Glaive and Selune's Spear of Night.
Saving the Nightsong also grants you a Level 3 Evocation spell called Moonbeam, a Moonmote class action, Selune's Blessing, Darkvision, and a +3 weapon enchantment.
Shadowheart will soon find out that her parents are still alive and imprisoned in the House of Grief. Inside the sanctum, you will come across her parents bound by magical restraints. A cutscene ensues, revealing Shadowheart's true name: Jenevelle Hallowleaf.
Shar criticizes your attempts, and then the choice becomes clear: if Shadowheart releases her parents, she'll remain trapped by her curse. Alternatively, allowing her parents to perish could break Shar's hold on her in Baldur's Gate 3.
1) Shadowheart kills her parents
If Shadowheart chooses to save the Nightsong and eventually kill her parents, her parents' spirits will turn into Moonmotes. Shadowheart explains that these Moonmotes will always be with her and act as her guiding light.
This choice also triggers a cutscene after a long rest in the camp where she stands before Selune's statue, reminiscing about the brief moment with her parents.
2) Shadowheart saves her parents
In an alternative ending, you can choose to save Shadowheart's parents. Successfully passing a challenging DC20 Religion or Persuasion check allows Shadowheart's parents to also join your camp. After a long rest, her parents will approach her in a touching camp scene. Tearfully, they express their unconditional acceptance of her, regardless of the path she's chosen in her misguided allegiance to Shar.
Shadowheart kills the Nightsong
If you choose to remain loyal to Shar by killing the Nightsong, your bond with Shar will strengthen in Baldur's Gate 3. You will be rewarded with a legendary weapon called Shar's Spear of Evening which deals 6-16 damage.
You will also obtain Shar's Blessing, Blind Immunity, and a Level 2 Evocation spell called Shar's Darkness. Shadowheart also transforms into a Dark Justiciar. While choosing this path entails gaining more powerful offerings, your chances of romancing Shadowheart will become bleak in Baldur's Gate 3.
1) Shadowheart kills her parents as a Dark Justiciar
In this Shadowheart ending, she arrives at the sanctum without the slightest idea of the prisoners' identities. However, Shar reveals the truth to her by temporarily restoring her memories. Shar instructs Shadowheart to kill her own parents in exchange for the position of being her right hand.
After the prisoners' deaths, Shadowheart's memories of her parents are once again lost, and she assumes the role of Shar's right hand, leading the dark forces into the final battle. In this Shadowheart ending of Baldur's Gate 3, she ends her romantic relationship with you as she fully commits to her duties as Lady Shar's most trusted ally.
2) Shadowheart saves her parents as a Dark Justiciar
Alternatively, you can choose to disobey Shar by saving your parents in this Shadowheart ending. Shar will surprisingly let you go without much of a hassle, and all you will get from the encounter is a word of warning from the goddess of darkness herself. The reunited family shares a heartfelt scene in front of Selune's statue.
After the final battle, Shadowheart invites you to be a part of her life. She shares her plans of settling down with her family in a peaceful place and happily asks you to stay with her.
These are all the possible Shadowheart endings in Baldur's Gate 3. Feel free to check this article to know more about other companions' endings.
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